Is This The Best Value San Martin Right Now?
San Martin have made a handful of watches to sell at a lower price than their usual offerings. This is their latest release. It was launched in November 2023 and is going to be available for $138 in the upcoming AliExpress sale.
Here is an affiliate link to the watch featured in this video.
I have a vintage watch store…..check out the some awesome watches which you can buy today! Most have been featured on my channel.
My ebay store where I sell lightly used modern watches to fund the purchase of more watches to review!
DISCLAIMER – The ‘includes paid promotion’ icon only appears in my videos where I have been sent the watch free or discounted for the purpose of my review. No cash or fee was charged for any of my reviews or content.
I Like Watches Patreon Page
I Like Watches 2 –
You may have noticed that I often don’t mention the original brands that watches I am reviewing pay homage to. This is very intentional and not meant to offend you or the original brands. I lost my first channel in October 2020 which I had spent 9 months growing and invested a significant amount of money in simply because I had mentioned the original brands in some of my videos. There are people who try to use YouTubes lack of understanding when it comes to the difference between homage watches and fake watches to attack other channels and their owners and sadly I fell foul of this in 2020. This channel was also attacked recently and YouTube deleted content simply because I had said ‘subby homage’ and ‘Rolex homage’ in two videos despite the watches in the videos being perfectly legal homage watches. Please understand that I can not afford to risk my channel so I will no longer be mentioning other brands when reviewing homage watches.
Patreon – Thank You!
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YouTubes “Fair Use Policy” only applies to certain types of content which does NOT include watch related content therefore all rights reserved. Publication, reproduction or distribution of this film or any part of this film by any means whatsoever – including without limitation electronic transmission via internet or e-mail, or re-uploading existing videos & re-uploading such material on any website anywhere in the world — is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the channel owner. That’s me!
The watches in this video are originals or homages. These are not fakes or counterfeit. They are perfectly legal and anyone who reports this channel to YouTube for the promotion or selling of fake or counterfeit products is doing so knowing that this channel is not breaking any of the terms and conditions stipulated by YouTube.
Any music used in this video is owned by YouTube and I am also legally entitled to use it. The pictures are my own or I have obtained legally with permission for commercial use.
I have been careful with my use of any trade marked terms in this video relating to any other watches. None of the watches have other brands trademarked terms displayed on them. I have not breached any trademark laws.
Homage watches are legal as long as they do not carry the name or trademarked terms or names of the original maker which no watches in this video do.
Thank you for your support!
I Like Watches
Título: A importância da prática de exercícios físicos para a saúde
A prática regular de exercícios físicos é fundamental para a manutenção da saúde e qualidade de vida. Diversos estudos científicos têm comprovado os inúmeros benefícios dessa prática, que vão desde a prevenção de doenças até a melhoria do bem-estar mental.
Um dos principais benefícios dos exercícios físicos é a prevenção de doenças crônicas, como diabetes, hipertensão, obesidade e doenças cardiovasculares. A atividade física regular ajuda a controlar o peso, a reduzir a pressão arterial, a melhorar a circulação sanguínea e a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, tornando o organismo mais resistente a doenças.
Além disso, a prática de exercícios físicos também contribui para a melhoria da saúde mental. Durante a atividade física, o corpo libera endorfina, substância responsável pela sensação de bem-estar e relaxamento. Isso ajuda a reduzir o estresse, a ansiedade e a depressão, melhorando a qualidade do sono e a autoestima.
Outro benefício importante dos exercícios físicos é a melhoria da capacidade funcional e da qualidade de vida. Com a prática regular de atividades físicas, é possível aumentar a resistência física, a força muscular, a flexibilidade e a coordenação motora, tornando as tarefas do dia a dia mais fáceis de serem realizadas.
Portanto, é essencial incluir a prática de exercícios físicos na rotina diária, seja através da prática de esportes, caminhadas, corridas, musculação ou qualquer outra atividade que proporcione movimento ao corpo. Com isso, é possível desfrutar de uma vida mais saudável, equilibrada e feliz. Não deixe de cuidar da sua saúde, movimente-se!