How to choose a Santoku knife – How to pick a good Santoku knife
The Santoku is related to the Chef’s knife and the Gyuto.
The word Santoku means ”three virtues”, which indicates that is can be used to cut meat, vegetables, or fish.
The Japanese created the Santoku based on the western Chef’s knife; they changed the knife profile to be straighter to accommodate the Japanese cutting style of chopping rather than rocking,
as you would with the curved edge of the Chef’s knife.
The santoku”s are also fairly short with a length of around 7 to 6 inches.
In Japan, they are used in the home kitchen and rarely seen in the professional kitchen.
Knives used in the video:
Santoku knives:
Global Santoku G-46:
Global Santoku Classic with hollows:
Kai Shun Classic Santoku:
Griphinity Santoku Pegasus:
Wusthof Ikon Classic Chef knife:
Zwilling Pro Chef Knife:
Keemake Bunka (Santoku Profile) knife:
Blacksmith Yu Kurosaki: Shizuku 210mm – SG-2
Blacksmith Makoto Kurosaki: Black Forged 240mm – Shirogami White #2
Mcusta Zanmai Nakiri – VG10
For more Chinese knives:
For more information about another steel-types, visit my website:
For more information about the steel-types and choosing your knife, you can visit my website:
If you have any questions about Japanese knives made in China or about some brands, feel free to ask it in the comment section below.
If you have seen my review videos about one of the knives and own one of them, feel free to add your experience in the comments too this will help other consumers make a decision.
Thank you all for your support and feedback.
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★ F O L L O W ChefPanko 😊
👍🏼 S U B S C R I B E:
🔪 G E A R:
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🌎 W E B S I T E:
📬 B U S I N E S S:
🍱 C O O K I N G:
0:00 – Introduction
0:23 – What is a Santoku?
0:59 – Is the Santoku something for you?
2:25 – Handle Choices
3:28 – Gripping style for a Santoku
4:09 – Core Material: www.chefpanko.com/choosing-your-knife/
4:23 – Importance of the correct balance point
6:15 – Santoku Profile, Hybrid & Traditional Santoku Profile
6:45 – Spine Distal Taper
7:33 – Summary
8:00 – Aesthetic & Functions
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