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Aliexpress Seller Check | How to find trustworthy suppliers to buy from on Aliexpress


Aliexpress Seller Check | How to find trustworthy suppliers to buy from on Aliexpress

Aliexpress Seller Check – Find trustworthy suppliers on Aliexpress
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In the following video, Ela will be sharing five examples on how to know if a supplier on Aliexpress is reliable or not.

0:13 how to find good suppliers on Aliexpress

– Example 1: Look for stores that have been for at least 90 days. Be mindful that if there are less than 10 ratings, information is unavailable. Avoid these kinds of suppliers.

1:39 aliexpress seller check

– Example 2: Store may be opened for a while but having a rating below 4.5 is not good. Avoid this kind of supplier. Choose a supplier that has at least 4.5 rating.

– Example 3: It has a rating around 4.5-4.7 and has been opened for a while. You may consider this seller but check first the reviews to make sure everyone is satisfied with their purchase

– Example 4: This one is called IMBABY Factory store and is top brand on Aliexpress. The ratings are above average at 4.7 and 4.6. They have 96.9% Positive Feedback. For a specific product they got 4.8 star, 34 reviews and 49 orders. They have 3446 followers. This is a great store on Aliexpress to consider as having your supplier

3:25 find trustworthy suppliers on aliexpress

-Example 5: This supplier has a 98.1% positive feedback score. Their ratings are 4.8 and 4.7 and it has been opened for a while now. For a particular product, they have a 5 star rating, 65 reviews, and 393 orders. They have 7183 Followers. For this specific product, I would choose this supplier from Aliexpress because of the over all rating.

You may consider the star review for each product when trying to look for a supplier on Aliexpress.

Also, always check if the product you chose has a lot of stock available.

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