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Tiniest Voice Recorder review and Audio Samples (Aliexpress buy) – Windows only


Tiniest Voice Recorder review and Audio Samples (Aliexpress buy) – Windows only

Kebidumei SK-892 recorder test sample and review.
IMPORTANT: use only 1Amp chargers (1000mA), never use 2Amp chargers on these small batteries, it will damage them after a while. Do not connect to Blue USB ports on your laptop or computer – these have 2Amp current. Never leave on charger more than 1 hour
Please be aware, these can only be connected to Windows computers to transfer files
Aliexpress listing

Tiniest Voice Recorder review and Audio Samples (Aliexpress buy) – Windows only

#Tiniest #Voice #Recorder #review #Audio #Samples #Aliexpress #buy #Windows

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