For the cheap and authentic experience, we review the 1-slot NeoGeo MVS MV-1A (MV-1FZ). Coupled with the 161-in-1, can this beat the Pandora Box rivals?
Listen to the stick and observe how responsive it is… Incredible.
All the MVS systems on Ali are USED. Who knows who had it or how it has been stored. If you ever get one, remember they may need recapping / battery exchanging. Depending on your location, there are people that do recaps for a few quid.
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Time Stamps
@0:00- Intro
@0:44- NeoGeo Systems
@1:33- Unboxing the MVS
@2:58- Initial Game Test / KoF2000
@3:27- Unboxing MVS 161-in-1
@3:57- Multicart / Games List
@4:25- Games test
@8:50- Universe Bios 4.0
@9:10- Conclusion / Final Thoughts