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Aliexpress Review Honest

Fender Mark Hoppus Aliexpress Bass Review


Fender Mark Hoppus Aliexpress Bass Review

I bought a fake! Is it any good? Join me and find out. I don’t condone buying fake instruments but if you end with one by chance you should NEVER try to pass it off as the real thing.

Things to call out, I refer to the bass as a percussion bass instead of a Precision bass. My mistake. Also, I just got a new microphone and I’m still getting adjusted to it and that did cause some recording mishaps. The first two clips, Carousel and Man Overboard, are recording directly into GarageBand. The last two clips might be a combination of the direct feed and the room mic or just the room mic. I tried to record both at the same time and failed miserably. But hey, I’m still learning.

Fender Mark Hoppus Aliexpress Bass Review

#Fender #Mark #Hoppus #Aliexpress #Bass #Review

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