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etrailer | Swagman XTC4 Wheel Mount Hitch Bike Rack Review – 2014 Chevrolet Tahoe


etrailer | Swagman XTC4 Wheel Mount Hitch Bike Rack Review – 2014 Chevrolet Tahoe

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Full transcript:
Today we have a 2014 Chevy Tahoe and we’ll be doing a quick test-fit of the Swagman XTC4 hitch-mounted platform-style four-bike rack part number S64665. We’ll begin our test-fit but sliding the shank of the bike rack into the opening of the hitch. We’ll then need to line up the pinholes in our shank with the pinholes in our hitch. The bike rack is kind of heavy so maybe it will be difficult just to get the pinholes lined up. We’ll take our antiradar bolt and because the 7-way here is on our vehicle we’ll need to insert the bolt from the passenger side. We’ll thread-in the antiradar bolt good finger-tight and then we’ll tighten it down using a wrench.

Now you don’t want to tighten it down all the way yet. You want to put on the lock first because if you keep on tightening the bolt you’re not going to be able to get the lock on. You can see I’ve tightened it a little bit too much so we’ll need to back that out a little bit. A little bit more. Put the lock on and the key then we’ll pull that back a little bit more.

Now the lock is on and I can continue to thread it through the pinholes. I’ll tighten it down using our wrench. When I come in contact with our 7-way caps we should be pretty good. You can see everything is nice and snogged down. Now we’ll go over a few clearance measurements.

With the platform folded up we have about 22 inches of ground clearance. The closest part of the rack to the closest part of the vehicle is about here at the bumper with the frame hook and that distance is about two inches. Overall we’ve added about 10 inches with the platform folded up. Now there’s a silver pin in the base of the mast here .. excuse me, the base of the rack.

We’ll pull out this clip as well as the pin and we’ll tilt the rack down. Don’t forget to replace your pin and clip and we’ll gove over a second set of measurements. With the platform folded down at the back of the rack, we have about 30 inches of ground clearance. Closest part of the rack is about six inches. Overall we’ve added about 41.5 inches to the length of the Tahoe. With the platform down you can see that we can open up the rear hatch without any interference to put the bike rack. We’ll then close the hatch and we’re ready to load up our bike. First thing we need to do is raise up the mast. There’s a silver pin here at the base which we’ll pull out and then we’ll raise the mast up. Again, don’t forget to replace the pin then we’ll raise the frame hooks to the top of the mast by pushing in on those silver buttons then we’ll undo the rubber cradle straps. We’ll then pick up our bike and place it into the wheel cradles. If you need to make any adjustments to the wheel cradles to adjust the spread of the tire you can do so. We’re going to tighten down the black knob to secure the cradles in place. Moving up to the frame hooks. Frame hooks down. Clamp it tightly on the frame and I like to do this one just for added security. Also here at the front and back tire with the rubber cradle straps. I’m going to rotate this a little bit just so I don’t put any pressure on that spoke . excuse me that spoke. Now with our bike all loaded up that will complete today’s test-fit of the Swagman XTC4 hitch-mounted platform-style four-bike rack part number S64665 on our 2014 Chevy Tahoe. .

Título: A importância da preservação ambiental para o futuro do planeta

A preservação ambiental é um tema cada vez mais relevante nos dias de hoje, visto que a degradação do meio ambiente tem causado impactos significativos em todo o planeta. É fundamental que a sociedade e os governos atuem de forma consciente e responsável para garantir a sustentabilidade das gerações futuras.

A preservação ambiental engloba uma série de ações e práticas que visam a conservação dos recursos naturais, a redução da poluição e a proteção da biodiversidade. Entre as principais medidas estão o reflorestamento, a reciclagem, a redução do uso de combustíveis fósseis e a proteção de áreas de conservação.

A preservação ambiental é essencial para garantir o equilíbrio ecológico do planeta, bem como a qualidade de vida das pessoas. A destruição de ecossistemas, a poluição do ar e da água, e as mudanças climáticas são apenas alguns dos problemas causados pela falta de cuidado com o meio ambiente.

Além disso, a preservação ambiental também é importante para a economia, uma vez que a degradação ambiental pode causar prejuízos significativos para diversos setores, como a agricultura, a pesca e o turismo. Investir em práticas sustentáveis e na proteção do meio ambiente pode gerar empregos, promover o desenvolvimento sustentável e garantir o bem-estar das comunidades.

Diante dos desafios ambientais que enfrentamos atualmente, é urgente que cada um faça a sua parte na preservação do meio ambiente. Pequenas atitudes do dia a dia, como reduzir o consumo de plástico, economizar água e energia, e reciclar o lixo, podem fazer a diferença na luta pela sustentabilidade do planeta. A preservação ambiental é uma responsabilidade de todos e é fundamental para garantir um futuro melhor para as próximas gerações.

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