The Best Garage Lighting! ⚡️ LED Hexagonal Grid Honeycomb Lights | Tesla Garage Setup Install
If you want to transform the way your garage looks, you might want to check out these LED honeycomb style ceiling lights. I could not be happier with how they turned out and to see the improvement of lighting in my garage. These plug and play light tubes output a whopping 60,000 lumens with a color temperature of 6,500 kelvins that translates into a natural looking, white light that works great for a garage, a shop, or even your basement. These lights are also waterproof and suitable to work in a wet environment.
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My name is Evan and if you are new here, welcome. Consider subscribing to my channel to see future content like this.
Not only do these Hexagon grid lights provide more light output but also help save on energy cost, as these are 100% LEDs. They are also great if you live in a cold climate or have an unheated garage. LED’s do not need time to heat up, therefore in comparison to incandescent tube lights which are dim under cold conditions, these LEDs become bright immediately, producing consistent, energy- efficient light in very cold temperatures.
When first opening the box you’ll notice some zip ties if you were to install this on a wooden or wired ceiling structure. In this case I will be drilling these directly to the ceiling and will not need them. The kit comes with all the lights needed to form the entire honeycomb light fixture as they all connect to one another to form a hexagon. These connector points will be drilled into the ceiling through this small hole on the side. Each connector has these drill holes equipped. Finally you will notice 3 power cords that will connect on both ends of the honeycomb lighting and also one for the rectangular light piece. You can see from this diagram where the power cords need to be connected. Note you must follow this power source location, plugging in two power cords on the same side of the hex lightening may cause a short and burn out the entire set. Two power sources must be connected on the opposite sides of the light kit and also one on the rectangular section around the hex lights. So in total 3, 120v plugs for each light kit. Installing 1 kit will work on a 15amp breaker, however installing two kits will require a 20 amp breaker. I’m not a certified electrician and if you do not feel comfortable installing these yourself, a professional is always recommended, especially when handling electricity.
As we need 3 individual power sources for this light kit as I mentioned earlier.
Once we reach one end simply add your 90 degree connector to install two lights down the short end of the rectangle. At this point I’m only installing one light at a time to prevent any damage to the hanging lights. Keep repeating the process until you have formed the first shape of your light kit. One problem I ran into, is when I reached the end I was short a few inches from reaching the connector we had first installed. I had to unscrew the connector and move it more to the left to finally make the entire connection. This; however, caused my rectangle to be out of shape and crooked. I had to go back and remove the screws on one end of the light set to straighten out the top section of the rectangle. After I fixed this issue, you can see I’ll have to patch some holes with drywall puddy and repair part of the ceiling. Again, if you are not certain about electricity, please do not do this yourself.. Hire a professional electrician. After getting all my connections and power cord in place, I flipped on my original switch and wallah! Just this rectangular light fixture alone already boosted the look of my garage not to mention how much brighter it is. After confirming this has worked, I went ahead and disconnected my wires and drilled a hole into my ceiling to insert the power cord into the attic for later connection. I’ll get those screw holes patched up later and repaint that section.
What do you think, let me know in the comments below. I have links below this video showing you everything I used to install these myself. As always if you have any questions, be sure to let me know in the comments and I’d be happy to get back to you. Until the next video, stay safe and I’ll catch you on the next one.
The Best Garage Lighting LED Hexagonal Grid Honeycomb Lights Tesla Garage Setup Install
#teslagargelights #LEDhexlights #honeycomblights
Título: A Importância da Atividade Física na Saúde Mental
A prática regular de atividades físicas tem sido cada vez mais reconhecida como um importante componente para a manutenção da saúde mental. Estudos científicos têm demonstrado que a atividade física pode ter um impacto significativo na redução do estresse, ansiedade e depressão, além de melhorar a autoestima e o bem-estar emocional.
A prática de exercícios físicos libera endorfinas, substâncias químicas produzidas pelo cérebro que atuam como analgésicos naturais e provocam uma sensação de bem-estar. Além disso, a atividade física aumenta a produção de neurotransmissores como a serotonina, responsável pela regulação do humor, e a dopamina, que está relacionada ao prazer e à motivação.
Além dos benefícios químicos, a prática de exercícios físicos também pode contribuir para a melhora da autoestima e da autoconfiança. Ao alcançar metas e superar desafios físicos, a pessoa se sente mais capaz e empoderada, o que impacta positivamente na sua saúde mental.
Outro aspecto importante é o papel social da atividade física. Participar de atividades em grupo ou em equipes esportivas pode promover a interação social e o senso de pertencimento, fatores essenciais para a saúde mental.
Diante de todos os benefícios da atividade física para a saúde mental, é fundamental que ela seja incorporada na rotina diária de todas as pessoas. Seja através da prática de esportes, da academia, da dança, da caminhada ou de qualquer outra atividade física, o importante é se movimentar e cuidar do corpo e da mente.
Portanto, não subestime o poder da atividade física na promoção do bem-estar emocional. Faça da prática de exercícios uma prioridade em sua vida e desfrute de todos os benefícios que ela pode proporcionar para a sua saúde mental.